Sunday, October 11, 2009

XBRL for Dummies

Next week, XBRL for Dummies, the long expected reference manual for XBRL by the standard's inventor Charles Hoffman and Liv Watson, its most fervent proponent, will hit the market. We are keen to delve into it!

Thursday, October 08, 2009

XBRL for Swiss Treasurers

My presentation fest continued this morning with my first Webex enabled online seminar about XBRL to the Association of Corporate Treasurers in Switzerland. Please find below the slides used during the presentation.

UNCTAD on fair value

I've had the honour of addressing the Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting, twenty-sixth session in Geneva yesterday. The subject matter was implementation issues of fair value accounting in an IFRS context. To my great surprise, there was hardly any criticism expressed of the approach, neither from the panel nor from the floor.