Sunday, October 17, 2010

More XBRL in Switzerland

On 10 November, the second instalment of the XBRL CH Swiss Day (Agenda in German here) will bring an afternoon full of XBRL goodness in and to Switzerland. We will have a keynote on XBRL in the future of business reporting, two parallel tracks focused on Switzerland and IFRS respectively and finally, a closing panel which I'm looking forward to because of its composition and direction ("possibilities and impediments"). I'm particularly keen on the event because we will be releasing the first public draft of the Swiss OR Taxonomy into the wild for public comment. Please touch base if you're interested to contribute your comments.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Power of Pull

The History of Information, by David Siegel from dsiegel on Vimeo.

Pull by David Siegel presents a fascinating introduction into the concept of semantic web, its technologies and options. He looks at a number of facets, with XBRL being prominent because of its advanced stage of implementation. Others are not so convincing: the fairtax chapter proposes no less than a tax revolution without even arguing why that tax system is superior to VAT - but this digression risks to escalate.

The book frequently refers to its own website, which shows interesting developments, but is painfully slow to build when accessed in a browser. Fortunately that problem goes away if you subscribe to its feed. Overall, Pull is a quick and easy to read introduction for non-technical people without much OWLing and RDFing. It's definitely worth your while if you're interested in the next evolutionary stage of the internet.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Reporting for the 21st century

I'm looking forward to giving a presentation (in German) entitled IFRS & XBRL - business reporting for the 21st century at the IFRS Update on 3 December. The only thing left to be done is the preparation of the actual presentation ...