Wednesday, October 22, 2008

XBRL for Investment Professionals

It's nearly a month that said conference took place in London, and I have yet to blog about it ... some of the reasons for that delay probably coïncide with the reasons why a relatively small group of less than fifty professionals came together for an event that has been organised by CFA Institute, EFFAS and the IASCF, namely current market dislocations. In the face of that, an infrastructure undertaking such as XBRL takes second place with many.

Nevertheless, participants tended to be quite happy with the conference and commented favourably on the quality of the audience as well. The relatively small size of the audience made it possible for the audience to interact with each other and to participate actively in the Q&A session, which is very helpful when you're the moderator ...

Here are the presentation slides. It's a pity that David McGraw's slides are not available, because his and Homi Byramji's presentations struck a strong chord with me. In David's case it was the breadth of the potential applicability within a leading institutional investor's processes, and the challenges that XBRL has to respond to (data governance!), whereas Homi was demonstrating clearly that, other than Encyclopedia Britannica, Thomson Reuters is not going to be asleep on the wheel in the face of the challenge to the middle man posed by XBRL. Personally, I am fairly confident now that XBRL is a sustaining innovation for information intermediaries. 

Shortly before the conference, Finanz und Wirtschaft published an XBRL update that I wrote. And there is one more update: XBRL CH is now officially a provisional Jurisdiction!


Anonymous said...

There’s lots of interesting material in those presentations. The debate on the future of the data aggregators is intriguing. The draft memo of the Pozen Committee report was pessimistic (, but the Bear Stearns study on XBRL was more encouraging (

I think Homi Byramji makes a good case that XBRL can be turned to the data aggregators’ advantage. It would be wonderful to have a webcast of his (and the other) presentations.

Unknown said...

Chris and Bob--
Thanks for continuing the awareness efforts for XBRL. From our mission perspective, the conference was a success. We are working through the taped sessions to create several Webcasts, which should include the one you mentioned by Homi Byramji.
Glenn Doggett, CFA
CFA Institute