Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Victims IV: The real crisis

The Economist deserves praise for having featured a special report on the impact of ageing populations in this time of crisis, which overrides longer term requirements with its fiscal profligacy. The majority of industrialised countries were already on an unsustainable fiscal path before the crisis struck. It is difficult to see how government finances will ever be able to return to a trajectory that is stable longer-term.

It goes without saying that the foreseeable instability of public finances has a dramatic impact on capital funded retirement systems. At this juncture, the jury is still out on the prefix of instability, i.e. whether we will see inflation or deflation. Either way, the contradictory demands on the investment strategy of individual funds are anything but trivial and may need to be implemented consistently in very short order once the dust settles. Scenario analysis and preparation is the name of the game. I look forward to a workshop producing a Shell/Oxford-method scenario analysis on Switzerland 2030, to which I have been invited by the federal crisis management education unit.

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